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Urszula Urac
Mrs Galaxy Canada 2019
Urszula is a wife, teacher, traveler, adventurer, life-style model, volunteer, and beginner motivational speaker. She has been married to her husband for over ten years and they have a Russian Blue kitten named Ulush. Urszula is a teacher by trade, with a Master's of Education Degree from the University of Toronto. She has worked with students as a teacher, coach and mentor, for the last fifteen years, and has various experience working inside and outside the classroom. Beginning work in philanthropy and motivational speaking, Urszula believes her platform is not only to empower women but through education, she can empower youth, girls and boys, to be their best-selves. Urszula’s motto is ‘Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful’ because she is convinced that everyone has their own kind of 'beauty', on the inside and out, and that everyone is unique in their own way, and this should be celebrated.

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