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Oct 2025 - Toronto, ON

Class of 2025 Registration


Information Packet

(19+, married or unmarried)

Click Here


Information Packet

(Ages 15-18)

Click Here

Little Miss/Pre-Teens/Jr Miss

Information Packet

(Ages 6-14)

Click Here

Full Body (No Swim Photo)
  • If I am having trouble submitting my application, what should I do?"
    Please make sure when you are submitting your form, wait for about 30 seconds for it to upload and successfully submitted. If you didn't receive a confirmation page stating your form has been successfully submitted or having technical issues when filling out the form, then please submit your application info and pictures to
  • What happens after I register?
    Once you have registered, the organization will process and review your form accordingly. You will receive an email within 48 hours. If you do not, please email
  • Are there any additional fees I should know about?
    No, there are not. Everything is optional ie: score reports, spray tan, make up/hair etc We do not have a "commitment fee" for the winners or require any recruitment, ad pages or tickets to be sold.
  • I'm married, can I compete?"
    Yes, you can! You can enter our Mrs. Division
  • Are there age requirements?
    The youngest that can compete is 5, should they turn 6 by July 1st, 2026. There is no age limit.
  • Do I need experience to compete?
    No experience is necessary! We have had Queens in the past who have won in their first ever pageant and we also have Queens who has had prior experience. We encourage you to enter and try something new!
  • Are there height/size requirements?
    No, there are not.
  • Can I compete if I have kids?
    Yes, you can! Division is based on your age or maritial status by July 2025. Miss (19-27) Ms (28+ unmarried) Mrs. (20+ and married)
  • Am I still eligible to participate if I have tattoos?
  • Will hair and make-up be provided?
    Hair and make up is the contestant's responsibility
  • Are photos and videos of the competition included?
    Yes. We have an amazing media team with us!
  • Are accomodations/lodging provided?
    No, as we accept women of all ages and phases of life, we respect their need to want to room with their families. If you need a roommate to help with cost, we will do our best to match you with someone within your province.
  • Am I required to stay at the host hotel?
    No, you are not. However, all activities will be at the hotel except for the final rehearsal & competition. If you're not staying here, please do not be late. Lateness will incure point deductions

© 2018 by Canada Galaxy Pageants

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